preparation for the next, really long journey !

So, now we have actually been at home for half a year – that was not planned !! We actually wanted to start again in February – but it often turns out differently than you think 🙂

– On the one hand, we decided to do this at short notice in January, our Henriette against Henriette 2.0 exchange. Traveling in Albania we had (happily) Met Julia and Walter with their super nice mobile and I (Susanne) had said right away, that they should definitely think of me when selling the vehicle. Now and, they didn't sell their MAN (they are super happy), but they had told us, that the successor model is already in the hall. So in January we booked a flight to Budapest without further ado and looked at Dickenherr Henriette 2.0 an. Very enthusiastic about the great vehicle, the purchase was sealed with a handshake the next day – as always we were very decisive :). The expansion should be complete by the end of April, so we had time, to deal with the travel planning.

– on the other hand, our plans were completely shaken up by Corona/Omikron and then by the terrible war in Ukraine. For our great travel plans towards Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Iran and Oman with a few nice like-minded people, we had already got countless travel guides and leafed through them, let us inject all the necessary vaccinations and already have the application for the carnet ready. Then came the attack on Ukraine and doubts grew, whether the direction to the east makes sense. Finally, Hans-Peter decided, that he does not want to drive the route – a new line was needed. The Panamericana was also on our wish list – but only in a few years ?? – no matter, then right now !! Now everything had to happen very quickly: Book flights and ferries, Henriette 2.0 allow, in 5 Pack everything for days, Buy dog ​​crates, Take out insurance for the USA ………. they were exciting and stressful days.

It is nice, that our friends Julia and Walter, we met in Albania last year, plan the same trip – so you could support each other in the preparations and share the anticipation.

last round at home – the boys have no idea !

today, am 08. June, is part of the crew already in Canada (Hans-Peter and Henriette), the 2 guys and i want in 3 days fly to Montreal. The last few days have seen a lot of farewells from dear friends and family – that was very emotional. After all, we want for 2 – 3 be on the road for years, you can't really understand it.