Finally it goes on 🙂 since then 01.08. we're on tour again, we are driving towards Albania !!! We are now fully vaccinated and the second grandchild is up – with a little delay – Born safe and sound.
We spend our first night in the middle of the forest just outside Nuremberg. The dogs think the place is great and we also enjoy the peace and quiet. The next day we visit the Walhalla memorial, this huge temple can be seen from afar. The memorial was built at the instigation of King Ludwig I., important personalities “German tongue” to honor.
Walhalla Temple dogs What is mistress eating there? ??? The mermaid Isa
We continue along the Danube to Untergriesbach, here is a parking space at “House on the river”. It's a big power plant with a nice exhibition. We end the evening with a delicious beer and meat loaf in the inn.
We gondola comfortably over country roads to Steyr (We save the badge :)) a very nice little town with a remarkable old town. However, it is raining like buckets – right when we arrive at the market square. The next morning we come back to the center with dry feet before we continue. We find a parking lot for hikers in Semriach, here we stand in the meadow next to the cow pasture and only hear the raindrops at night.
delicious beer ! Steyr Bummerlhaus Our well dogs
Parking space in the pasture
After a wet morning lap, we start towards Slovenia, here, too, we only drive on country roads. Our destination is Maribor, the second largest city in the country. Here is the oldest, still bearing vine in the world – about 400 Years old this plant. The place looks pretty deserted, we do not know, whether that is due to Corona or whether everyone is on vacation.
The oldest grapevine in the world ! Parking space on the Drava Maribor Maribor
today, it is the 06.08. we walk along the Drau in the morning and after half an hour we come back to the pretty town. It's a little bit busier and the place looks even prettier. Our 2 Boys – as always – marveled at and petted by all sorts of people. Dogs are especially attractive to women 🙂
Maribor Banks of the Drava our 2 guys
In the afternoon we continue our journey, our destination is Ljubjlana, the capital of Slovenia. The route leads past the town of Celje, here the castle of Cilli towers above everything. We drive along the Sava through a very pretty one, fertile landscape, the sun is also our companion now. We make a spontaneous decision, to spend the evening by the river and we find a great pitch right by the water. So a first swim in the river is the order of the day (the water is very refreshing) and we enjoy being outside.
This is bearable ! Breakfast by the river First bath in the Sava Burg Cilli
So, we have arrived in the capital and find a shady parking space at Tivoli Park. As it turns out the next day, the place is even free at the weekend – Perfect :). We make an appointment with Anette, Markus, Rosa and Frank, who are in town on the way to Croatia today.
View of the castle Entrance of the Ljubljanica Dragon Bridge The castle of Ljubljana City stroll The three bridges Idyll on the river Familientreffen in Ljubljana Who is photographing whom here? ??
Together we explore the town and are thrilled: Here's something going, On the banks of the Ljubljanica there is one restaurant after the other. All are well staffed and there never seems to have been Corona. We enjoy the hustle and bustle find a local, where we can quench our thirst and hunger and look forward to the nice meeting !!
The next morning we continue our journey, however we choose, to stay here in Slovenia for a few more days – the country is far too beautiful, to just drive through here. A great place on the Krka river is ideal for sunbathing, Bathing and lazing around. The Zuzemberg Castle towers directly above us.

Today on Sunday (08.08.) there is really something going on here: children, dogs, Paddle boats, Angler – everything gathers in the little river. Our nice neighbor (He has converted a large double-decker bus into a mobile home with a food truck :)) provides us with delicious pakoras. In the late afternoon we visit the pretty castle and let the fur noses run around a bit.
Burg Zuzemberk View from the castle Our neighbor. Foodtruckwohnmobil 🙂 Churches on the mountain peaks everywhere Lazing around 🙂 Zuzemberk Castle in the evening
We like it here so much, that we decide, to stay here one more day. We let the sun shine on our stomachs, every now and then we go into the river to cool off and only in the evening do we go for a walk with the dogs. New neighbors are interested – again – for our Henriette and so there are sightseeing tours again. In the small restaurant on the river we eat something delicious and then sleep absolutely peacefully. The next day we get to know more neighbors, we get into a conversation and the dogs become friends right away. Quappo finds a great dog buddy in Maurice and the two play extensively with each other. Manu gives us the tip, that in 30 Kilometers of small caves can be visited – We pick that up and start our journey there. We reach the caves after a short walk and the coolness in there is really pleasant. Then we find a small swimming lake and Quappo and I swim a lap – splendid.
The caves in Zeljnske jame
On the further journey we pass the only moated castle in Slovenia: die Burg Otocec. The building is now used as a hotel, unfortunately it cannot be visited like this. A few kilometers further we find a great parking space (for free, how many places here !) again on the banks of the Krka. So we stay another day in this beautiful country.
Wasserschloss Otocec Our Henriette 🙂 Today it was warm in the car !