Travel report Finland

Am 28. The August trip is at Karasjok (Norway) a 18.00 Clock across the border to Finland. We are made aware of this by the customs officer, that we are not allowed to visit swimming pools and that we should avoid gatherings. It is also not allowed at the moment, vacationing at campsites. We were greeted warmly and after all three customs officers had looked at the car, they wished us a safe journey.

We travel into the country in the most beautiful evening mood and only see forests and lakes to the horizon: this is exactly how we imagined Finland to be. We already really like the country ! 30 Kilometers after the border we find a lonely spot by the lake. Henriette is parked like this, that we look out the window to the north. Hans-Peter is already setting up his tripod and adjusting the camera: today we are properly prepared for the aurora ! But it turns out differently than you think: More and more clouds are pushed in front of the North Star until finally not a shred of sky can be seen anymore. Completely frozen, Hans-Peter gives up at some point – it shouldn't be today. The next morning I go for a walk with the dogs without any worries- they are allowed to walk out freely. However, it is very noticeable, how their noses are constantly on the ground and in the air ? Hans-Peter warns me by mobile phone: actually just look again 3 Reindeer very interested in our Henriette ! Also, nothing like on the leash with ours 2 hunters – that's too dangerous for me ?

Today we want to go to the huge lake "Inari" and drive a bit on the road towards Russia. Unfortunately the birch trees are so high on the route, that you can hardly see the lake. We try to get to the shore on smaller paths – but all roads lead to private property, we just can't get close to the water. At some point we give up and look for a parking space in the forest. We are lucky and are still on one (small) See (officially Finland has 188.800 Seen !). From there we walk a bit into the forest, find a large sandbox for the dogs to play in and wait for the Northern Lights in the evening – without success.

Back in Inari, Henriette is refueled and water is refilled. Equipped like this, we reach our goal today: the Lemmenjoki National Park. We are amazed, how full is the parking lot, fortunately we still find a place. We'll do a little hike, we postpone the big tour to the next day.

So we start the next day 16 km long hike on the 535 m Hohen Joenkielinen. At the top we have a great view over the endless forests and lakes – it is really gorgeous. The weather also plays along, so we come back to our car happy and exhausted. We drive a little further, find a nice spot by the river Lemmenjoki, grill some sausages at the campfire and after a spectacular sunset at night you actually see some Northern Lights again – a day couldn't be better !

When we look into the pantry, we get scared and scared: there is nothing else to eat in the house except dog food! So we have to go back to Inari and look for a shop, because on the further stretch south comes in the next 200 Kilometers no more village. On the way we discover another "Overlander" on a parking strip – we press on the brake and steer the vehicle. The two residents, a Dutch couple (Sjors and Monique from )at home and immediately invite us to coffee and biscuits. We chat 2 hours and experienced, that the two 7 been traveling in Africa for years. After this nice encounter we go to the supermarket: this is really exciting again: on the one hand I'm happy, that there are good ones here, old euro and the prices are much more relaxed than in Norway, on the other hand, there is really nothing more to read here, what is on the pack – the Finnish language is worse than Kiswahili and Hebrew together. I hope so, that I actually eat chicken, bought butter and canned milk and not reindeer, margarine and sour cream ?

We also treated ourselves to a few cans of beer (after all, there is beer in the supermarket with up to 4,5 % Alcohol, the can for only 1,00 € !), The evening is saved. Henriette is parked by a river again, we walk a little further with the dogs and meet a German cyclist on the way, Mike, a student from Berlin. Is shipping, whether he can set up his tent in the slipstream of Henriette – yes of course he can. The nice young man is studying international forest management and so we have many interesting topics to talk about. We eat together, the beer stocks will also be destroyed immediately and when we counter 23.00 look out the clock, we see a beautiful Northern Lights directly – a great evening with a very nice, interesting guest.

The next morning we have breakfast together, then Maik grabs his bike and pedals further north. We're going the other way: to the next national park: "Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park". There is a nice spot in the middle of the forest, we can light a fire and see a little northern light.
The weather forecast keeps its promise: the next day the sun is shining and we set off on the next big hike. We're having some difficulties, to find the start of the tour – all signs are in Finnish only. But after we 3 open the parking lot- and paced, we find the right path: it goes to the anyway 807 m Hohe Heaven ! Once at the top we are again speechless and amazed: endless forests all around, lakes and skies – the world is so incredibly beautiful.

Back in the parking lot, a reindeer stands unimpressed in the middle of the square. Our lion hunters are completely irritated: why isn't he afraid of us and doesn't run away ??? You can't play chase after that – that's stupid !!!!

On the way back we meet the next Expomobile – a zebra from Esslingen ! Clear, is stopped immediately and a chat is held. I am happy , to hear real Swabian again ! The two have also traveled a lot around the world, there is enough to tell. After an hour we say goodbye, surely we will see each other again.

We stay in the same pitch, the place is just great. The next day we have to take care of our gas supply: the next station, where we can find gas cylinders, is probably in Sodankylä – so we're headed there. On the way we drive through Levi – this is one of the largest ski resorts in Finland. In Sodankylä you can buy German gas cylinders, Unfortunately, our bottles cannot be refilled. So we'll have to buy another bottle and see, if we can sell them to an arriving motorhome in Helsinki. There are also huge supermarkets, small shops and even an r-kioski ! We find a parking space at the local beach, where understandably nothing is going on anymore. The dogs immediately lay down a power play unit, then we'll go back to town together. I buy a SIM card with unlimited data volume for one month at the kiosk 17,90 € – that's incredibly cheap, in Norway it would have cost us a fortune. The nice saleswoman said, that the installation of the card would be quite simple – Of course I don't believe her at first ? Back in the car, the tension mounts: I put the card in my phone and wait: and indeed, after 5 minutes I have internet – without any problem – I can not believe it, that it can be so easy.

Here, too, we don't like to leave the place, it was a dream for the fur noses. But the next goal is pending: we want to visit Santa Claus, and also make a detour to a laundromat. Shortly before Rovaniemi we discover a parking lot for hikers – we turn immediately and walk one 7 kilometers long circular route – almost exclusively on wooden boards. The area is so swampy, that you can otherwise only get through here with rubber boots. The boys have to concentrate, every now and then a paw gets wet, because a scent hit your nose.

It's a bit late though, but we'll try our luck at Artic Laundry. The super nice owner enlightens us, how to handle everything, offers us a coffee, then we can also use the shower for free (unlimited hot water – what a luxury !!!) and fill the Henriette with water. So after an hour everything is clean and fresh: the sheets and towels smell, we ourselves are really clean again, the hair is washed and Henriette is refueled.
Now to Santa Claus: we stand directly in the Santa Claus Village and get a Christmassy feeling: Christmas trees and lights are burning everywhere, Little stars twinkle in the sky, It's really cold outside and you can hear Christmas music very softly.

The park is closed due to corona, we find what we are looking for in the large souvenir shop and buy a few souvenirs. For ourselves we arise 2 Cook, these are birch wood cups, that belongs to Lapland like the Bembel to Frankfurt. Curious about it, does the coffee taste even better?.

So, we escape from all the Christmas hype and continue east. Near Kemijärvi we find a hidden bathing spot to spend the night. The sun is shining right now and so I bravely throw myself into the cold water. To 2 I'm already outside by trains – now to the campfire. Hans-Peter also bravely dares to go in, just a pity, that we have not installed a sauna in the Henriette ? With a beer by the fire we stay outside for a long time and hope for Aurora again – she just doesn't want to appear anymore :(.
In the evening we greet our newest family member by cell phone: Little Erna moved in with Franziska today – she is really sweet, our boys are sure to fall head over heels in love with her.

We use the next morning for that, Dusting Henriette a bit and airing everything. There is no wind and so Hans-Peter takes the chance, to start the drone again. Unfortunately, it has jammed loading and does not want to take off – the battery is empty. After half an hour the departure works – but now it's starting to rain – somehow the worm is in there.

the pitch with its own lake

The next day I dare to go into the water again for a very short time – after that I'm wide awake ! Continue to Kemijärvi, shopping here, so that we can be self-sufficient for the next few days. In the evening we want to park next to a bird observatory – the car is in front of us (no vehicle to be seen far and wide !) but actually exactly on this place – we have to keep looking and find a hidden spot on a slipway. In the morning we are woken up by a fisherman, who actually goes out on the lake in his little boat. First he photographs our car – we do not know, whether he simply thought Henriette was great or whether he wanted to report us, because we are standing there ? In any case, we'll flee and drive away immediately, breakfast has to wait.
Today we want to walk Finland's most popular hiking trail: the little bear group: "Pieni Karhunkierros" with a range of 12 Kilometers. A Finn gave us the tip and also told us, that every Finn has to walk this path. There, and so a completely full parking lot and endless parked vehicles await us on the access road. Hans-Peter confidently maneuvers Henriette out of this hustle and bustle and we relax and park a little further away. The weather is perfect and so we enjoy this wonderful hike. It goes over suspension bridges, rise, Stairs and a fabulously beautiful one, untouched nature. There are shelters along the route, as well as warehouse- and fireplaces, which every hiker can use. Fires are burning everywhere and everyone is grilling the sausages they have brought with them – Grilled sausage. These big ones, fat sausages are eaten with mustard and washed down with beer. The Finns love them, a Finnish summer day is probably not complete without a barbecue makkara.
After the march we look for a very quiet place alone in the forest, at a lake of course. There is a cottage here, in which wood is stored and a saw, so you can make your own firewood. Our two boys are really romping around again, you might think, they haven't done anything today ? The drone is loaded and everything works today: so we can see everything from above.

After the great impressions of the little bear tour on the edge of Oulanka National Park, we decide, Visit the National Park Visitor Center the next day. There we hike the small circular route from 5 kilometers to the Kiutakongas Rapids, this path is also incredibly beautiful.

At noon we continue to Kuusamo, there should be an opportunity here, See bears in the wild. In the really ugly little town we are unsuccessfully looking for the provider of the bear tour, but we can then conveniently book the tour online in the car. In the evening we relax by candlelight in the car – we have to economize on our electricity, somehow we didn't load enough today. Our parking space is in the middle of town in a park, it is very nicely designed with lots of sports facilities.


The next morning we are amazed: there is actually a herd of reindeer walking around our car in the parking lot. So I better wait a moment, until I go outside with the dogs – but we're hardly outside, Quappo is no longer to be seen. Thank God the whistle helps me with the whistle and the tube of liverwurst – here it is again leash duty. After breakfast we go for a walk around the lake, in this corner the city is really very, very nice. At noon we drive a few kilometers to the bathing beach of Kuusamo – there is a small sandy beach here, just right to let off steam. In the evening we experience a sensational sunset, almost too cheesy to be true.

The next morning there is bad news: the provider of the bear safari canceled the appointment, because the Führer has probably fallen ill. We were so looking forward to the bears, that we decide, try our luck with another provider. In fact, there is another agency, that offers such safaris and they still have a place available the day after next. So we use the beautiful day and decide to drive to another national park: den Riisitunturi National Pusto. By the way, we have expanded our knowledge of Finnish: tunturi means a mountain in Lapland, which is not higher than 500 damn. Again we make a big hike (my first pair of hiking shoes has already worn through !), organize a photo shoot in the autumn blueberries and continue to Ruka in the evening: this is probably the Ischgl of Finland: there are bars here, Restaurants and lots of hotels. We're standing in a large parking lot next to a pizzeria and thinking, should we treat ourselves to a meal out?. But then we'll see, that a dog is tied outside – So there seems to be a ban on dogs here too. We checked, that it was completely banned until a few years ago, Taking dogs to the restaurant, nowadays, however, the operators can decide for themselves. Apparently it's anchored in people's heads, that almost nowhere dogs are allowed. Also has something positive: we saved a lot of money, because when we look at the menu we see, that the cheapest pizza costs €14 and a bottle of Chianti is good 42,- € ! So we are grateful to our boys and decide, to bake a pizza at Omnia the next day.

During the morning Pippi round we notice, that we are in the ski area: It's lousy cold and gloves and a hat are used for the first time. I'm also really happy about this decision, because on the summit stations, to which we run, an icy wind is blowing. We got tired of our dogs and we continue to drive towards the Russian border. It goes for kilometers over slopes, Show Henriette and Hans-Peter, what they can do and both enjoy the track. About 3 Kilometers before the border is the meeting point for bear watching. I stay in the car with the lion hunters and Hans-Peter goes stalking. To 4 hours he comes back with a happy smile: he has seen and photographed a lot of bears. That's clear, What are we going to do for the rest of the evening?: we look at 1.226 bear pictures !!!

The guide explains to us while we are still in the parking lot, that we should go quietly to the hut. Should be a bear encounter on the way, should we get loud, as this will scare the bears and they will run away. The strong males are currently on the run, since the bear hunt has just begun.
Arrived in the hut we all take off our shoes as usual in Nordic countries and look for a place at the approx 6 meter long window front. Under the windows there are tubes through which you can stick the camera lens to the outside. All cameras are positioned and the settings are checked. In the meantime, the guide is with the quad, several boxes of salmon trimmings and 4 sacks of dog food in front of the hut in the swamp and generously distributes his souvenirs. After that, he too comes into the hut and places himself with a camera. He means, that it is always nice for him to see these mighty animals. There are probably always changing bears to see. it takes less than half an hour and the first troop of bears cautiously comes out of the forest and starts looking for food. The swampy ground is rummaged through with the snout for the goodies. It's not just the bears who enjoy what they've brought with them. Suddenly a few more white-tailed sea eagles appear in the sky and pounce on the salmon. This is also an impressive spectacle. Total coming in the next 4 hours 5 different groups of bears and look for food. It has been an exciting and unforgettable experience for me. it's nice, that nature is still so untouched and for the most part very original. An overall great day.

At night we find a great place on a small river and so tomorrow's program is set: the toilet needs to be emptied again. 100 Meters away from us there is another German car, I'll have a little chat with them before breakfast 3 young men. They come from Schwäbisch Hall and are on their way to a husky- Farm, at them over Christmas/New Year for 6 want to work weeks. We then return to our household chores and clean our toilet in the river. After the work is done, it's back to Kuusamo, we need a lot of liquid again: water, Gas, diesel and beer ! Then we want to continue towards Oulu. On the way there is a nice spot on another river and Hans-Peter takes a quick bath in the water. At night I quickly let the boys go pee and what am I looking at?: in fact Aurora Borealis is appearing in full force right now – we are excited. Unfortunately, the camera is not readily available and we cannot document that – but whatever, we have seen them with our own eyes.

We are so excited, that we saw the Northern Lights again, that we change our plans without further ado and want to stay here in the north for a few more days. So the next day we drive to another one, small national park "Syöte" and run a little round there. We can't find a really nice hiking trail, we run up and down a ski slope and decide, find us a nice place, where you can see the sky clearly. We find a suitable spot and Hans-Peter lights a fire for the grilled sausages – so tonight are prepared !

By the way, who reads our travelogue at all ? We would be very happy to receive a small comment from you !

Our aurora tonight: a super beautiful starry sky – but again no northern lights. We hope for the next day

We only drive around 20 Kilometers further to a parking space from Park4night- the beach is very beautiful, but fairly close to the road – we are sure, there are better places out there. And indeed: after a short ride on the piste you will find a lonely place on the beach. Strengthened by a cup of coffee, let's try, to circumnavigate the lake – unfortunately doesn't quite work, because the lake, arrived at the end, straight into the next lake. We would have had to wade a bit through the water, with the temperatures, we decide spontaneously against this plan.

The morning walk was exciting, both for me and for Quappo: the little hunter has a great track in his nose the first time he lifts his leg and it has to be followed. I see him 10 Rush through the forest for minutes and hold your breath. Thank God he didn't track down the reindeer – we'll see it a few minutes later- but the gentlemen are on the leash again.
Another purchase today, we stop in Posio, the only bigger place around here. We drive with everything equipped 20 Kilometers further west and end up at the Korouoma trail parking lot. We are lucky and just catch a small rain hole – that's enough for him 5 kilometer long circular route through the small canyon. Here we read, that only in October does the water flow over the rocks and then freeze over in the winter. So you can admire frozen waterfalls in the winter months – we can well imagine that.

morning at 10.00 The sun blasts into our car with force and wakes us up. Clear, what that means: Today we do the hike again in nice weather ! The boys are happy, here they can walk again without a leash, it appears to be a reasonably reindeer-free area. As always here in Finland, there is a nice barbecue area on the way, the first hikers are already there, to hold their sausages over the fire. Frodo and Quappo are very interested, but no one takes pity on them and gives them a sausage – Bad luck !

In the afternoon we drive a few kilometers further and find the next parking lot for hikers. Since the weather is still so nice, we also walk this circular route "Natural Trail".. It goes past a lock and rapids, there are some steel stairs to overcome. Here the workers were extremely dog-friendly and put extra wooden boards on the side of the stairs for the dogs – we thought that was really great. Back in the car it starts to rain – all night long.

During these rainy hours we googled the internet just for fun, what a cottage by the lake costs here ? We were very impressed, because the prices here look a little different than in our region at home. One offer caught our eye immediately: a cottage with a sauna, Grill house and private bathing lake – and 260.000 sqm of land for €89,000 !!!!!!!! Since we "accidentally" are right in this corner, we wrote to the broker and asked for the exact address. We received it promptly and so the goal for the day was clear: let's go sightseeing to Siika-Kämä ! Shortly thereafter we stand in front of the property and are speechless at first: it is an absolute dream !
At second glance, however, we recognize, that the meadow is a real swamp area and we see the swarms of mosquitoes rising in our mind's eye. The distance to Erfelden is not exactly visitor-friendly either: knapp 3.000 It's kilometers to get here. So we have to sleep on it.

Our sleeping place today is on a large river with a clear view of the northern sky. It is starry and cloud free: best conditions for the Aurora ! And indeed, she can be seen today – Hans-Peter spends half the night outside, is almost frozen, but happy.
After midnight, Henriette is shaken vigorously: the autumn storms send their regards.

After breakfast we are -almost- secure: it would be absolutely unreasonable, to buy this property (but also very attractive ?) – we decide, not to think about it anymore. So we simply steer Henriette further towards the Baltic Sea. The landscape changes with every kilometer and we have the feeling, to be back in civilization – injury. However, our place to stay right by the sea makes up for it with a brilliant sunset, a fire and grilled sausages.
We'll watch the news later- it's very depressing: only Corona, Unrest and new borrowing without end: maybe we should buy the house by the lake after all ??

Unfortunately, the beautiful weather said goodbye and so we set off after breakfast in the pouring rain: we have planned a trip to the largest island in the Gulf of Bothnia: Shark shape ! We have a hard time remembering this name, we find, it sounds more like a sushi dish than a Finnish island ? You can reach the island with a free car ferry in about half an hour. On the ferry, our Henriette gets really clean again, the spray washes away all dirt. We look it up in the travel guide, that in winter – with the appropriate ice thickness – an official ice road exists here, the ferry then goes into hibernation. There's supposed to be a nice spot on the northernmost corner of the island – only suitable for 4×4 vehicles. My husband doesn't need to be told twice, he gladly accepts any off-road challenge. The slope is really very sandy and the pines are getting closer together – it's really exciting. But sure, let's do it and we'll be with a huge, lonely sandy beach rewarded.

We read in another blog, that there is a small brewery with delicious beers – led by a Berliner, who ended up on Hailuoto because of love. So the schedule for today is clear ! We find the comfortable, small dining room, even the dogs are allowed in. The nice employee tells us about the different types of beer and we start the difficult task, Find out the tastiest beer. A little later Susanna comes over, the owner's wife. She sits down with us and we chat about all sorts of things. After the third beer, it also works really well with English :). Also, everyone who wants to travel to Finland, should have this goal on his plan – it's definitely worth it.

After the delicious beers we relax in a nice spot on the south coast of the island. For a morning walk, you have to take off your socks and roll up your pant legs – Kneipp therapy is good in the swampy meadows.

Back on the mainland we make a detour to the city of Oulu. We look at the landmark of the city: the popular statue of the market policeman. Then we pay a visit to the market hall: the market is quite disappointing, some stands are completely closed and the others are completely empty. And the 2 Outdoor stalls only sell cranberries and apples and around 15.00 clock everything is packed up. We stroll through the pedestrian zone to the cathedral, Due to the rather modest weather, we don't find the town so worthwhile. So we continue south to a nice beach. Here you can make a nice fire. Unfortunately the wind is blowing so hard today, that the sausages are blown off the grill – one is about to end up in the conflagration – we can save it from death by fire at the last second.

After breakfast (something like against 11.30 clock) we start the Henriette. We drive through Raahe and decide, that we only have to get off here to go shopping. We make the next stop in Kalajoki and we are impressed: here is one of the largest sandy beaches in Finland and also the appropriate environment: lots of hotels, Restaurants, amusement parks, go-kart tracks, Volleyballfelder, playgrounds …… in the summer all hell seems to break loose here. Quappo is in faith, that there must also be reindeer here and has disappeared into the bushes !

The dogs are exhausted, this is how we head for the place to stay. Lt. according to our app it should be a nice place on the beach, a restricted military area would be nearby, but wouldn't bother ? Arrived at this point stands a milk-faced, adolescent soldier with a backpack and an assault rifle in front of us. The rest of the comrades are probably taking a break, because a lot of other backpacks and guns are lying around abandoned. We ask politely, if we can stay here for the night – since our Henriette is almost a military vehicle – but the boy says no and says, we have to get out of here, because there is an exercise going on. Our GPS tells us, that we have to turn left – and around the curve we suddenly find ourselves in front of a collection of tanks, guns and soldiers – spotlights on us !!!!!!! We turn completely, real quick, and hope, that our license plate was not scanned and that we are not immediately taken away in handcuffs at the border. After this shock we need a very quiet place to sleep.

After a quiet night we have digested the experiences of the previous day and continue on the route of the archipelago of the 7 bridges. A very nice road through the archipelago – unfortunately with a gray sky. We'll follow 100 kilometers to Storesand – a small nature reserve with a beautiful beach, Fire pit and no other mobile homes – Perfect. On the way we had already wondered about the many chicken farms, which are right here on the street – so many eggs in one place ? On a walk we pass such a stable and look curiously over the high fence. I can not believe it, what we see there – these are not chickens at all, but little white dogs – no, no dogs, these are arctic foxes ? Totally shocked, we google it at home: in fact, we are in the heartland of fur farms – 800 There are farms all around us, all breed arctic foxes in the worst conditions. We sit around the campfire, drink a beer and think, how we can free the poor worms in an emergency operation tonight - but then they will surely never let us out of the country again ?

And if any fashion designer reads or sees it….. The times, that we have to keep the animals in the most miserable conditions, to make a fur coat out of it, are really over.

On the further journey we see a lot of other fur farms – It is unbelievable !!!

The good weather lifts our spirits and so we decide without further ado, nor to look at the archipelago of the Kvarken. The rapid land uplift of one centimeter per year has earned this archipelago a UNESCO World Heritage listing. The landscape is – again ☺ – breathtakingly beautiful and from a high observation tower we can marvel at the whole landscape. The small detour was really worth it.

We spend the evening in a small marina with a romantic sunset.

A morning look at the thermometer leaves us amazed: it's nice 15 degrees warm – incomprehensible. So our goal today is exactly right: we want to go to the most beautiful beach in Finland, nach Yyteri. Another highlight along the way: we actually see a Finnish moose, a moose cow with hers 2 Boys. The three of them stand there motionless for a few minutes, that we are already considering, Are they stuffed animals? ? But suddenly they move and flee into the forest. In Yyteri angekommen, do we walk 2 Hours at the super beautiful, forever long and wide sandy beach. We can confirm the guide, it is also for us the most beautiful beach so far in Finland !

On the further kilometers to our overnight stay we come through forests, where the storm really raged a few days ago. Even the largest birches and spruces lie there like matchsticks. Google confirms us, that here was the center of the storm depression Aila, that partly with strengths above 35 meters per second is swept through. Also, the firewood supply for the winter should be secured.

After an adventurous off-road drive in the late evening, we discover a nice place to ourselves with a private beach. So I want to throw myself into the cold water before breakfast – you have to feel here, however, first 500 meters through the ankle-deep water, until you can swim at all. But the water is wonderful and I start the day refreshed.

Culture is on the agenda today: First we visit the nice town of Rauma (again a UNESCO World Heritage Site), the old town is with their 600 Houses is the largest connected wooden house complex in the Nordic countries. The last fire was 1682, since then Rauma has been spared from further fires and wars. The town is really very pretty, it's just very annoying, that the cars are allowed to drive through the small alleys. Also today is Sunday, d.h. the tempting, small shops are all closed – somehow we have bad timing and I just can't spend any money ☺. At a construction site we see, that even the sidewalks are heated here – incredibly practical, there is no need to shovel snow !!

New acquaintances in Rauma/Finland☺

Last but not least we go to Naantalie, one of the oldest cities in Finland with a picturesque old town and an important port.

After so much culture, People and traffic, we long for a quiet place to spend the night – but we are in the Turku metropolitan area, it's really hard there, to find something secluded. We finally land on the island of Ruissalo, the local recreation- territory for the Turku people. During our evening walk we discover beautiful old villas, all a bathhouse, Have a sauna or jetty in the same color as the main house by the sea – We like it very much.

After morning dog training we pack up and drive a long way via Helsinki to Porvoo, knapp 300 km. In Turku we briefly stop the Henriette, to take a photo of the old castle, we decide, that we don't want to visit them any further and drive on. On the way we notice, that we're back in the “normal world” arrived, there is really heavy traffic around Helsinki and we are standing there 3 Months again in a traffic jam ? In the late afternoon we arrive at our destination: Porvoo is the second oldest city in Finland, founded at 1346 with a very well preserved old town. We're going to take a walk around town, but are a bit disappointed: the small shops have all closed and the cafes and restaurants are also empty. We walk a bit more in the park and on the castle hill, so that our boys can also have something from Porvoo ! Our “Jägermeister” Quappo finds the Porvoo rabbits more interesting than the old wooden houses anyway ☺. We like the rust-red salt storage tanks on the banks of the river best – they are very picturesque. Hans-Peter pulls out his tripod at night and is able to capture a few beautiful impressions of this storage facility.

Woken up by construction noise, we are up a little earlier the next day and make our way to the capital. There is a good parking lot at the port and we can walk to all the important sights from here. Helsinki is really not that big, from one end of town to the next it's just 40 minutes. The most striking building is the cathedral, which you can see from afar. We'll head for him first. We continue via the Senate Square to the main train station, the National Theater and the National Gallery. Here we discover the new library, We like the modern construction made of wood and glass best. We notice, that an awful lot of bikes- and scooter riders are on the move, there is also a really well-developed network of cycle paths. After a small climb we come to the rock church (built 1969)- this church was built into a granite rock, through the copper roof 180 However, daylight comes in through the windows. The round 8 meter-high interior walls are made of unhewn rock – looks really very nice. after over 3,5 hours of walking, we treat ourselves to an extremely delicious (and expensive !) Cappuccino. By the way, we read, that the Finns are leaders in coffee consumption, this is at a per capita consumption of 12 kg Rohkaffee. This means that the Finns drink about twice as much coffee as we Germans ☺.

We experience the highlight of our Hesinki visit in the evening: we read it by accident, that you can stand and spend the night at the Sompa sauna. These three somewhat chaotic saunas are free and public, they are operated by the guests themselves. D.h. when you're around at night 2.00 o'clock would like to go to the sauna, you can just heat it up yourself. Hans-Peter goes in there around midnight and there are many other guests there. The next morning I visit the sauna and I am immediately impressed: people are totally uncomplicated, There are hardly any sauna rules (except that you are not allowed to bring a glass bottle into the room), people chatter loudly with everyone and you just jump on them to cool off 10 degrees cold Baltic Sea. A very special sauna experience !

Am 2. Day in the capital we take the ferry in bright sunshine to the fortress island of Suomenlinna. This is an im 18. century fortress, located on several interconnected islands. The construction of the bulwark had become necessary, when Peter the Great set about founding St. Petersburg as a naval power. However, the Russians succeeded, Helsinki in the year 1808 to take and occupy.

Also the 2. We end the evening in Helsinki comfortably in the sauna.

The next morning we are a little sad: today we want our new one “dreamland” leave and take the ferry to Estonia. Finland was by far the most beautiful country for us on this trip and we are looking forward to it, to be able to come here again sometime.

5 Replies to “Travel report Finland”

  1. Hello, good afternoon,
    Hello Ms Leva, Hello Mr. Leva and greetings to my four-legged friends.
    I was before approx. 25 years with the camper on a round trip in Norway, Finland and Sweden and follow your journey with great interest. A lot of things seem familiar to me and memories are awakened. I'm honest and I say, that I'm jealous of this big tour. I wish you continued good travels, good health and always enough fuel, water, Essen, Dog Food, best weather ( depending on the area) of course beer!!!!!! and everything else that is needed.
    question: Can I see the photos larger?, I can't find any setting or. zoom?
    With (Ex) collegial greetings
    Frank Reuer

    1. Hello Mr. Reuer, Thanks for the comment. We are pleased, that you are following our site. And, we think it's super nice up here in the north of Finland right now. Autumn has already arrived here and offers us a wonderful blaze of colour. Winter won't be long in coming here. From today on we're heading south again and it'll be out of the woods and back to the sea. You can enlarge the images with two fingers. At least that's how it is for me. Since I'm also a newbie when it comes to web sites, I have to see if there is a function that can be offered to the end user. Greetings from Finland
      Hans-Peter, Susanne and the 8 paws

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